Sunday, June 17, 2007

What I have Learned from Fasting

1. I'm not really hungry, ever. I've not experienced the raw hunger feelings that I thought I would...however...

2. I crave the sensory experience of food. Not so much food itself, but the textures and smells. This is what I miss. Crunch. Chewy. Sizzling.

3. I feel energized, extremely energized. Even after consuming a juice, I literally feel the vitamins being absorbed into me. I'm not tired. I hung out with my friends late Saturday night, and wasn't able to sleep at 1 am.

4. I need to clean. I have done laundry, repotted plants, cleaned my walls of kids' art, cleaned out kitchen cabinets, cleaned my refrigerator. I've thrown a lot away.

5. This cleaning made room for the *new*. I hung up my kids' art projects from this past camp, I filled my frig with veggies, I boxed up old memories. I cried, a lot.

6. My dishwasher is empty.

7. It takes A LOT of fruits/veggies to make a 12 oz. drink.

8. The folks at Hy-Vee think I'm a nut. I've purchased every single fruit/vegetable they offer. And found out that I still *like what I like*. Venturing out is fun, but I will always hate turnips.

9. Too much ginger in a juice makes me ill.

10. Due to Fasting, my meditation practice has afforded me some very wild visions. And those visions have stuck with me.

11. I am a good person. But I can be better.

12. As Grandma Lucille says, *Everything in moderation*. I will continue to use juice-fasting as part of my daily regimen. But I will balance this against my need for the sensory experience of solid food.

If you are fasting this week, what have you learned? If you're not fasting, please join us. Even if it's for one day, you will learn so much.

Share with your community if you feel comfortable....Let us know what you've discovered about YOU.

After all, the only person you will spend the rest of your life with is....well....YOU.



Blogger Dina said...

It was very hard but I did it. I noticed we are bombarded by food advertisements. A true test of my commentment was driving down Missouri Blvd without stopping.

I've learned:

-I accomplished something that I really didn't know if I could do. I used GREAT self-control. I can do this with other aspects of my life.

-The mind and body connection and how this can be applied towards physical and mental health.

-I realized we easily have access to basicaly any food we want. We're very privledged. Think of all those who have little food and/or don't get to have the choices like we do.

-Since I was not planning on what to eat, going somewhere to eat, getting food at the store, etc. I realized I spent sigificant time on that and what I might be missing out on because of it. I had a lot more time to do and think about other things. It helped me to notice more around me.

-Saved a lot of money

-I had surprisingly good energy and accomplished a lot more than usual. Even tackled things I'd put off for a long time.

-I felt more pure, clearer and focused. Felt good...except when I was dizzy, shakey and had headaches

I could go on and on, but this is some of what I experienced. It was worth doing it.

4:26 PM  

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