Holiday Open House rescheduled

We hope that you are staying safe and warm indoors today and enjoying the winter view out your windows! Due to the winter storm we have postponed our Holiday Open House. Please plan to join us next week for our annual Holiday Open House, which has been rescheduled for Friday, December 8. Drop by Show Me Yoga Center anytime between 5:00 and 7:00 pm for holiday cheer, including cookies and hot cider, wine and cheese, and, best of all, good company! We MIGHT also have live music provided by John Jaeger, a solo acoustic guitarist who is also a yoga student. We're still waiting to hear if John can make it for the new night.
Dress warmly and after the Open House you can also wander downtown for the annual Living Windows festivities, which has also been rescheduled for December 8, from 6:00-9:00 pm.
Please RSVP by calling (573) 636-5656 or by email at Show Me Yoga Center is located at 101A West High Street, at the corner of High and Jefferson, in downtown Jefferson City. You can easily find our door near Cafe via Roma and follow the stairs to the third floor. We look forward to seeing you there!
To see more photos of last year's Holiday Open House visit our Photo Gallery.
PS If you wish you may add to the celebration by bringing your favorite Christmas cookies or other holiday treat. We will also be accepting donations all this holiday season for two worthwhile causes: The Yoga for Teens Project and the SMYC Non-Profit Organization Fund.
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