India comes to Show Me Yoga Center!
The food was spicy, the company good, and the night beautiful.
Last Friday night around 25 members of the Show Me Yoga Center community enjoyed an evening together experiencing some of the best that India has to offer (besides yoga, of course!) Teachers, students, and their friends and family meet for Indian food at the yoga center and then crossed the street for the Soorya concert on the Capitol lawn. The food was from the Taj Mahal restaurant in Columbia (highly recommended!) and the concert was sponsored by the Missouri River Regional Library, part of their great Cultural Concert series, all presented against the beautiful backdrop of the State Capitol building.
Here's a few photos (courtesy of James Harcourt).

Last Friday night around 25 members of the Show Me Yoga Center community enjoyed an evening together experiencing some of the best that India has to offer (besides yoga, of course!) Teachers, students, and their friends and family meet for Indian food at the yoga center and then crossed the street for the Soorya concert on the Capitol lawn. The food was from the Taj Mahal restaurant in Columbia (highly recommended!) and the concert was sponsored by the Missouri River Regional Library, part of their great Cultural Concert series, all presented against the beautiful backdrop of the State Capitol building.
Here's a few photos (courtesy of James Harcourt).

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