Yoga Connections
I was in Sallie's class last week practicing bridge pose when I noticed that I came to class with a pain in my neck. Ouch.
Eventually, I got around to lifting my chin a bit and pressing the back of my head lightly into the floor. It made my neck pain go away.
Here's a funky little Haiku I jotted down afterwards:
A bridge is a connector between two pieces of land that are otherwise separated by water or some other feature.
I don't know what stood between me and the hearing of Sallie's instruction, but I eventually heard it, I made the connection, and it really worked for me.
I love the connections I've been making at Show Me Yoga Center lately. It has so much to do with the connections our students are making as they bring their friends to the yoga center for donation yoga classes.
More and more people are coming and more are benefitting from yoga, just like me.
Classes are fuller. And you can feel the excitement and energy in the room. I love it.
I'll see you in yoga class,
Kevin Perry
p.s., Yoga is a Sanskrit word that means "the union of opposites." Sounds like a connection, a bridge, to me.
p.p.s., I teach beginner's classes on Monday evenings at 5:30 pm. I hope to see you there.
If 5:30 pm is too early for you, come to my 6:30 pm "Breakthrough Training" class. It's continuous movement. It's a fantastic fitness and wellness routine that keeps you moving and helps you make progress quickly and efficiently.
Copyright 2006. All rights reserved, Mo Yoga LLC.

Here's a funky little Haiku I jotted down afterwards:
I lift my chinBy the way, had I been listening, I'd have heard Sallie give this instruction. She says it all the time when she teaches this pose. Eventually, the little light in my head went on, the connection was made.
and press my head into the mat.
Neck pain in bridge pose...
A bridge is a connector between two pieces of land that are otherwise separated by water or some other feature.
I don't know what stood between me and the hearing of Sallie's instruction, but I eventually heard it, I made the connection, and it really worked for me.
I love the connections I've been making at Show Me Yoga Center lately. It has so much to do with the connections our students are making as they bring their friends to the yoga center for donation yoga classes.
More and more people are coming and more are benefitting from yoga, just like me.
Classes are fuller. And you can feel the excitement and energy in the room. I love it.
I'll see you in yoga class,
Kevin Perry
p.s., Yoga is a Sanskrit word that means "the union of opposites." Sounds like a connection, a bridge, to me.
p.p.s., I teach beginner's classes on Monday evenings at 5:30 pm. I hope to see you there.
If 5:30 pm is too early for you, come to my 6:30 pm "Breakthrough Training" class. It's continuous movement. It's a fantastic fitness and wellness routine that keeps you moving and helps you make progress quickly and efficiently.
Copyright 2006. All rights reserved, Mo Yoga LLC.
I started coming back to donation yoga and am having a blast. In only two weeks my significant other says he can see a difference in my posture and attitude and I feel great. Thanks, Show Me Yoga instructors!
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