You can do astavakrasana!

He's beautiful! He's amazing! Right?
You really gotta be something to do that pose.
Wrong. You don't.
It's called astavakrasana. It means the 'crooked in eight places pose.'
It's a pose dedicated to a great sage who was born crooked in eight places. He was, as we used to say, crippled.
But his physical handicaps left him one day when his father blessed him.
That's what comes to mind when I think about how I learned to do this pose.
I struggled with this pose for a long time. And then I threw it on the scrap heap of yoga poses I'll never do.
You know that scrap heap, don't you?
Then, one day, as if receving a simple blessing, my teacher taught me three simple things I could do.
When I did them my mental and physical limits dropped away and I was up in the pose. And I was very happy.
When you join us for the Teach Me Astavakrasana (pronounced: OSH tuh vuh KRA sun) workshop you'll be blessed with the three simple steps that will get you up and going in this pose, too.
And, Sallie and I will give you the whole story about Astavakra. You'll learn why he was born with his crooked limbs and what he did to receive his father's blessing. It will make the pose and the pose name unforgettable for you.
Join us, won't you?
It's by donation only. So you can't be overcharged. It only lasts an hour. So we won't waste your time. You'll love it.
Meet us at Show Me Yoga Center on Wednesday, November 1 at 6:45 pm. We'll finish up at 8 pm.
Please call ahead to let us know you're coming: (573) 636-5656. Or sign up at the front desk when you come to your next yoga class.
By the way, when you do your astavakrasana, it'll look more like this.

We can't wait to see you there.
Kevin Perry & Sallie Keeney